Royal Persian Blossom - right or left?
I've been working on the Royal Persian Blossom project over the last few days. It's quite soothing to be back to crewel work after the demanding silk work of Trevilian's Cap. One of the reasons I have multiple projects going at once is so I can move from one technique to another.The satin stitch border around what are called the "Upper Vine Petals" in the instructions were fun to work. I like working satin stitch around curves - taking those short, angled stitches to fill in the gaps on the curve is fun.Adding the stem stitch in gold to the inside of the satin stitch really made the blue stand out. It's one of the classic color combinations - blue and yellow. Every time I see it I think of France! When it came time to stitch the leaves inside each of the petals, I ran up against a problem.I decided to work the left petal first, filling in the four leaves inside the larger shape. Taking time to look at both the photo of the finished piece and the instructions, I was all set to begin.
Then I looked again at the instructions and got confused. The image was reversed! The leaves were on opposite sides of the shape so the colors weren't in the right places. I looked again.
Checking the diagram below, the leaves still were reversed from what I was seeing in front of my own eyes. The leaf of the left side of the diagram curved downward: the leaf on the left side of my embroidery curved upwards. What was going on?
Then it clicked - the instructions were showing only one side of the whole design - the right side. I had started on the left side of the design so the diagrams were "backwards".Honestly, it took me a few minutes to work this out. Now that I've worked it out, I'm off again happily finishing the next section of the piece.
Sometimes, I think I'm losing it completely! What about you? Do you ever get turned around when working on a kit? Please, tell me I'm not the only one!!