2015: A Very Good Year!
I'm not the kind of person who looks back and tots up things that have happened over the course of a year. However, this year has been pretty special at "The Unbroken Thread". It's been a bit like this chandelier - multi-faceted and full of light! At the very top of the list is receiving my "Certificate of Hand Embroidery with Merit" from the Royal School of Needlework in June. It took many years, frequent travel and loads of work to finish. I enjoyed every minute. The biggest thanks go to my dear husband, Steve, who didn't mind one bit that all of our school holidays were spent in England in the vicinity of an RSN centre!
I have had the opportunity to attend fabulous courses with Jenni Adin-Christie and Tracy A. Franklin where I learned so very much. I also got to work on some wonderful projects, including the crewelwork sampler by Tracy Franklin, the mirror by Jenni Adin-Christie, (both still works in progress!) and, of course, the Loveday crewelwork piece by Nicola Jarvis.
Crewelwork Sampler, Tracy A. Franklin (WIP...)
Mirror frame, Jenni Adin-Christie (WIP...)
Loveday, Nicola Jarvis (FINISHED!!)
Most rewarding were the comments and emails received from all of you, as well as the chance to meet some of you at stitching events. It is, after all, you who are my stitching community. I am thankful for each and every one of you every single day.
From the Neue Palais in Potsdam, Happy New Year!