Trevelyon's Gold Cap - only grapes left!
All the leaves and the stem on the body of Trevelyon's Gold Cap are now finished! All that's left to do are the clusters of grapes and the border at the bottom. One of the things I'm not happy with are a few of the points where the stems meet. At the bottom right of the center stem you can see a little curlicue coming into the slanted stem and there is a space there. Not very attractive. Also the curlicue coming off the stem coming out of the top black leaf on the left.I'm thinking I should have put in the small curlicues first and then laid the longer stem piece. I may go back and redo those bits. I'm thinking about it but haven't made a decision yet. However, I know it will bug me when I look at it in the future, so I probably will redo those little curlicues.
Those little mistakes aside, I love the effect of the Antique Twist on the stems! The piece is more dramatic than it would be done all in gold.
The gold loops you see in the photo above were done with passing thread but were not done in small pieces and then plunged: I took a long piece of passing thread stitching it up and down at the points where the thread goes through the fabric, thus saving me the headache of plunging and securing lots of tiny pieces of thread.I did try the same technique with the Antique Twist but it comes untwisted too easily and doesn't work. Rats!Next will be eight clusters of grapes. I'll use spangles for those and a tiny piece of check thread in the center. The question is - should I use black or gold check? Please let me know what you think!